Classroom Reveal - jillian laura designs

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Classroom Reveal

I have been absolutely overwhelmed and blessed with the amount of support I've gotten from readers this past year. So many of you have reached out about my classroom and asked questions or decor advice. You have given me the experience of a lifetime!

I feel it's important that you know before continuing on that it truly takes a village to create my classroom each year. Behind the scenes there are many people who come together to make this possible. Friends and family members help me laminate, cut and even take pictures.  I wouldn't have been able to do it if it wasn't for them and I am forever grateful for them for making all my classroom dreams come true! You know who you are. xoxo

Like most schools, at the end of each year, we are required to pack everything, stack up our bins and take everything off our shelves so that the furniture can be removed from the classroom to be cleaned and floors washed and waxed. I'll admit, it was a difficult thing for me to do last June after spending so many weeks setting it up last summer. I had felt like I finally found a classroom set up that suited my teaching style and a color scheme that allowed me to return to school each morning ready to start the day! That's why you may find most things in my classroom reveal will appear the same but if you take the time to notice the small details, some changes are there. :) 
First up, my desk and small group meeting area. These bins featured here are from Big Lots. They can be found each summer during their college line release, but are not usually restocked. You know what that means, when you buy them- go big or go home! Last year I wasn't able to get all the styles in the bright colors. I was late to the party haha! The green and pink bins on the lower shelves are actually spray painted. I was pleased with the coverage but I have a feeling there will be some chips by the end of the year.

I'm also sure you're wondering where these gorgeous supply labels are from. My good friend Maria Manore Gavin is a creative genius and has a true eye for design!!! They come in an editable pack (also available in white and brights) and can be found here.   

I was excited to add some additional teacher storage to my desk area. Is it just me or does it feel like you have constant piles of paper everywhere you turn, no matter how organized you think you are?  Everything now has it's own specific place. Well, at least for now.... :)

If you're looking to create a space like this, my tip for you is think about your use and practicality. The bins that you will have easiest access too are those on the top. Therefore I chose to store things I am frequently using throughout the day. 

Each year my good friend Chandra Jayne's Teacher Anchor becomes an absolute staple in my classroom!! You'll always find it within reach at my desk. This year's color scheme truly brings out all the colors of my teaching supplies (it started ever since I was a kid and has kind of become an addiction at this point ha!).  More than it's beauty, The Teacher Anchor's effectiveness and practicality is something you can't even put a price tag on. I highly recommend you check out her products over here a C. Jayne Teach !

My favorite spot in my classroom is most definitely my library! It's a place that feeds into my teacher soul and allows me to "get lost in a book." This year I was lucky enough to be able to add to my library space. Previously I had computer tables behind my library. This year, the computers and tables were removed in exchange for Chromebooks. WIN- WIN! :) I ended up pushing my library back closer toward the cubbies and extending the shelves along the wall.

How the bins are organized in my library has stayed the same. The top shelf is home to all the holiday/seasonal book bins (Fly Guy and Mo Willems in the picture to the right has since been moved). The middle and lover shelf are the leveled and chapter books. The shelves to the left feature the theme book bins.

The organization of the additional book bins also comes with purpose.

The top shelf of the addition features author book bins, while the lower incorporates characters. I feel it's important students have access to learn to "shop" for books by theme, season, just right level, character and author. 
These library labels also include a matching sticker to place on the books in each bin to ensure student organization. They are one of my favorite products purchased on TPT and can be found in Maria Manore Gavin's store here. Trust me, they are worth every penny!!  
They can also be purchased in white. *Please note they do not include the author and character labels however, it does include an editable template for you to create your own.

My library area is usually my meeting area for reader's and writer's workshop, as well as shared literacy, science and social studies. Therefore I have a chart stand that doubles as a white board. Some weeks I co-teach science/social studies so I find it's important to include enough space to add a space for teachers (or students who share) to join me up front (stool to the right). The stool is from TJ Maxx.

Since our reader's and writer's workshop monthly curriculum units usually go hand in hand, I find it's effective to group it together as one larger bulletin board.  It allows more space for anchor charts and posters.

My  writer's workshop area also includes my writing process posters. This is used as a class clip chart as we move through the writing stages each unit. The pack includes many color schemes to suit your theme. You can find them in my store here!

My library area is separate from my student book bins for reader's workshop. I find this to be effective when we transition from our mini lesson at the mat to independent reading around the room. Students can easily and *quietly* retrieve their bin. The student book bins labels can be found in Learning in Wonderland's store here
With the additional wall space from my library being pushed back, it also allowed extra counter space for me to display themed books. 

 I'm really excited for this space! There are so many possibilities with the extra shelf space. It is also home to our writer's workshop paper choices and writing supplies. Once again, student materials are removed from our meeting area to allow for a smoother and quieter transition from the mini lesson.

If you've been following along since the beginning, you know I'm a HUGE fan of math workshop. I am alllll about making math fun and engaging for our little learners. In order to make this successful in your classroom, you need a special space. I have created a student centered "number corner." Here you will find plenty of anchor chart space and math posters, manipulatives, games, tools and models. 

 I spend a lot of time allowing students to explore this space before moving into teaching into the rules and routines for using our number corner. The key to making it effective in your classroom is clean and clear organization. Share with your students the names on the labels and the purpose for where things are. Don't be afraid to mess it up one day to model how things should NOT look and have them work together to put things back in their place. This will build their comfort with this environment so that students know where to find things. Be sure to encourage them to get and return materials on their own.

The pink bins are our math tubs. To the left are where I store games and math models in pocket protectors. The games featured here can be found in a Math Game Bundle in my TPT store.  They are my most frequently sold product because they are easy to prep and can be used all year long! The small teal bins to the right are where students can find their "tools." I printed Reagan Tunstall's Math Tools on colored cardstock and laminated for durability. They have lasted from year to year and are the perfect support for our little learners! The teal bins and drawers are home to math manipulatives. The labels can be found in Amy Groesbeck's store here.

Many of our math routines are also seen in calendar. If you're looking to find our more about how I run calendar in my classroom, you can find a post on it here. Many of the materials here can also be found in Maria Manore Gavin's store.  What I love is that it includes many different size and colors options for you to create your own calendar space.

To the left you will find my objectives board. You can find these resources over at Amy Groesbeck's store on TPT here. It also is where I am trying out a new class goal setting system, also in her store here

 Next to calendar you'll find my FUNdations space, along with student material bins. As I mentioned last year, I attempt to spice up the FUNdation decor as much as possible. If you teach it, you know what I mean and I'm sure you may fee the same way. Guilty... :) It is not pictured here but I include and interactive word wall pocket chart for students to be able to take and return word cards as need.

If you're wondering how I run and organize my classroom community supplies, view my post here.

Student seat sacks are my savior! They are going on their third year here and are holding up well! Don't worry, they are washed after each year. 

I have created editable name tags to match my theme to use in my seat sacks. They can be found here! They can be scaled to size if you're looking for additional uses for them as well. 

By accident, I was playing around with the size and printed the name tags too small BUT found that they actually made great cubby tags. I wouldn't have ever thought of using them for that purpose but was pleased to see how they came out.  They were printed on card stock and laminated for durability. If you're still reading this and not just window shopping through pictures, I truly appreciate all your support!!!!

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  1. Thank you for sharing! I look forward to your classroom reveals :). Everything in your space is hands on, organized, and creates a beautiful flow! I hope you have a fabulous year!!

  2. Oh my word, can I come live in your room?!?! It's SO pretty! You've done a fabulous job. You can really tell how much heart and hard work you've put into it. Love, love, love!

  3. I love your classroom!!! Where did you get all the bulletin board headings? Reading, Math, Science, etc?

    1. Hi Julie! I purchased them from Amy Groesbeck on Teachers Pay Teachers!

  4. I love looking at your classroom reveal! I have organized many of my materials based on what I have seen you do! Thank you for the inspiration!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love how you set up your classroom! So colorful and inviting!

  7. Hi Kelly! Thank you so much for the kind words! I have to say that the books bins are a few years old at this point but I'm confident that you might be able to still snag some of them in the places I found mind. Really Good Stuffs has the bins in my library I still believe (tall themed and larger basket themed bins featured in this post). The smaller leveled book bins are from Dollar Tree. Buy in bulk when you see their bright colors over the summer. :) Also, the neon colored bins near my desk are from Big Lots. They usually put theirs out at then end of June and beginning of July. I pray for neon colors this year. I had to spray a few of mine!! Good luck!!

  8. I was just wondering where your punctuation posters were from?

  9. Your classroom is super cute! I'd love to use your numbers 1-20. Where did these come from?

    1. Hi Erin! You can find them in Cara Carroll's store on Teacher's Pay Teachers. :) Hope this helps!!

  10. Hi Jill! Where did you get your chart stand from? I love how low to the ground it is. Thanks!

    1. Hi Liz! I'm sorry, I wish I could be more help. It was a hammy down so I am not sure where it originated from. I can tell you though that it is meant to be taller however, I did not click the legs into place. Therefore it is just resting on the top piece. I'm sorry I couldn't be more help!

  11. Hi Jillian,
    I would like to know,too, where to get your punctuation pals posters. Love your room. Thanks so much!

  12. Love the colors! Beautiful classroom! :)


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