Elf in the Classroom - jillian laura designs

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Elf in the Classroom

There's nothing better than building classroom traditions this time of year! One of my favorites is this sneaky little guy that comes each year after reading The Elf on the Shelf.  A special delivery is sent to our classroom straight from the North Pole! The package is always cold because... brrrr... it sure is freezing up there! His special tag and personalized notes can be found over at The First Grade Parade. Cara's post also includes so many fun ways to integrate this holiday fun into the classroom. I hope this post inspires you to embrace the magic of the season!

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Each year a new elf visits and each year the class gets the opportunity to give our new friend a name. Cheryl from Primary Graffiti was the little lady behind this cut bubble map name anchor chart idea. It's perfect to give students the ownership over our classroom elf. Each year I have students that may not celebrate Christmas, but love that they can join in on the fun by sharing something "their elf" did. More importantly, it's fun that each year our elf brings us our class tree and class menorah. Rather than not celebrating any holidays, I am passionate about celebrating them all! More details to come about our holidays around the world in a future post.

Please note that Jingles may have gotten these ideas from many of the amazing teachers on Instagram and Pinterest. Thank you all for your creativity!

Jingles took the lead last year. He sure was a sneaky little guy and my class ate him up! They came running into our classroom each morning eager to find where he would be next. They loved drawing and writing about all his hiding spots for morning work in Cara Carroll's Elf Diaries. You can get a copy of this free in her store!

Here are some of my favorite spots Jingles found himself over the years!

Jingles loved himself so much that he wanted to share some of his Elfie Selfies. He must have gotten this clever idea after we read the book Memoirs of an Elf. There are so many great elf picture books now. Some of my favorites include How to Catch and Elf and The Littlest Elf. Click on the titles to grab yourself a copy.

Jingles sure liked the sticker bin- there were just so many fun shapes and colors! 

Fri-YAY was his favorite day of the week! That way he got to go back to the North Pole for two whole days! :) Our holidays around the world display is from Lyndsey Kuster. You can find it here!

There was that one day when the whole class made it on the nice list except well, for me!

Snowflake was our class elf from a few years back. His favorite hobby was making snow angels.

And he *cereal*sly loved us (and the left over 100th day fruit loops from the previous year ;) ) He sure is a crafty fella!

Lastly, Jingles brought us a special Elf on the Shelf gift land dressed up in his dapper attire. Click the highlighted words to shop these items!

This Cyber Monday, I'm hoping to get a great deal on the newest Elf Pet- The Saint Bernard. This story encourages children to spread the making of random acts of kindness. You can also name your Saint Bernard and register him online. You can find one on Amazon here!

I'm eager to see who will be joining us this year. Follow my Instagram @firstgrade_made to stay up to date on all his sneaking around!

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