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Writer's Workshop Author Celebration

February marks the end to our two month non-fiction writer's workshop unit. For eight weeks we read and explore elements of non-fiction texts before reading and research topics of our choice! 

If you've followed along on my Instagram you know my class did a shared literacy immersion experience where each student reads, researches and writes a nonfiction book of their own about penguins. In order to differentiate, students were able to use facts from our class anchor chart or stretch their learning by including facts/new voaburlary they researched on their own. This takes place during the month of January.

After having completed one book with the support of each student writing it on the same topic, students are able to choose a nonfiction topic of their choice. Students read and record new learning in reader's workshop. In February, they write a second nonfiction book on the topic of their choice. This progression is the perfect scaffolding! 

Therefore, by the end of our two month unit- we could use a big celebration!  All families are invited to attend via this invitation (picture shown above is from last year). 

I also prepare a special publishing shout-out of each student's book title to be handed out at the event.

The day of the celebration, I surprise the class with balloons and decorations. You can see their faces light up with excitement and its truly makes it feel more special. 

Students greet parents at the door and hand out the publishing shout-out. After, students welcome families and introduce them to our classroom. They continue to read a small blurb describing their hard work and efforts in the classroom the past few months. After, they invite them to walk around the classroom and listen to a reader. Lastly, they encourage parents to write a compliment on a post-it and place it on the whiteboard.

Parents are always so impressed with the work of their first grader. It's truly a special moment in our classroom!

If you're interested in grabbing a copy of the materials featured in this post, you can download an editable version HERE

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