We love a good math craft and opportunity to show our mathematical thinking!! We have been exploring part, part whole addition strategies and connecting it to what we know about turn around facts and the relationship between addition and subtraction.
The turkey craft used above is from Jen over at First and Kinder Blue Skies. I absolutely LOVE all her themed crafts and have adapted them in many ways to find my curriculum needs. You can find everything you need from the craft here.
Be sure to grab a copy of the addition freebie below!
After my mini-lesson, students create their own numbers for their part, part, whole addition turkeys. This is the perfect way to differentiate for each learner. I typically give my leveled groups specific number ranges to choose from (i.e. addition through 10, 20 and 100). This activity also gives students the opportunity to show their thinking more than one way. My rule of thumb is always to use pictures, numbers and words! The part, part whole digram is the "math picture," the turn around facts are the "number" and of course the explanation is the "words." Students in the addition to 10-20 range used the feathers to model the two "parts."

It's incredible to see just how much they're grown in being able to show their thinking and represent numbers with math models!!
You can find the Turkey Addition recording activity here!

I also got this adorable turkey hand activity idea from Sarah over at First Grader At Last. This is such an oldie but a goodie! We had such great fun skip counting by tens, fives and twos to answer the questions. It was even a great mental math lesson on place value for the students who were able to understand and explain that strategy!
Happy Turkey season everyone!
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