With all this time spent at home becoming our new normal, I've traded the construction paper, scissors and glue for some arts and crafts projects at home! A few years ago I purchased a pin board from Target in hopes of filling it with pictures and mementos, but as is tradition, time passes and projects like this go by the way side.
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The beauty of a pin board is that really there is no "wrong" way to style it and it's so deeply personal what you choose to hang. I also love that nothing is permanent- as you experience new memories and have deeper connections to new things or places, you can swap the articles out.
There have been so many special memories for Jeff and me the past few years. We traveled to some pretty cool places, enjoyed family vacations in Sea Isle each summer and Jeff's sister had a beautiful baby boy, who has absolutely stolen our hearts! Oh also, did it mention? We got engaged, and so did my sister! This pin boards highlights some cards we received from family and friends, pictures, decals and of course the show stopper, the counting cross stitch gift Jeff's mom made us and gave to us the day we got engaged.
I love that there's the perfect balance of color, pattern, picture, cards and decals. There's no pattern or rhyme or reason to the positioning of the items on the board. I just did whatever spoke to me as I pinned the items up. Below I've shared some unique bulletin boards that range in size, pricing and coloring to best fit your needs. From left to right below, click to learn more about each board.

The Target Burlap bulletin board if the one I featured above. I love the raw look the burlap gives and the coloring gives a nice contrast to the paint color on the wall. It's positioned in the entry way of our apartment, which has limited wall space. I would have loved to have more space for a larger board.
Another styling detail when designing a pin board is to consider which type of push pin best suits the style in your home. I have included some options below that compliment the bulletin boards shared above. I suggest choosing one style of push pin and keeping it consistent with the whole board. This will prevent the board from looking messy or taking away from the items on the board.
Amazon White [$5] // Amazon Pearl [$9]
In addition to the pin board, I decided to add some pictures to the fridge. With so many family weddings, bridal showers and events getting cancelled, I decided to clear the fridge of invites and save thee dates and it has been so refreshing!
I hope this post has left your inspired to create something meaningful to you and your family at home!